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About Us

About Two Spaniels Co


   How it works?

 Here at Two Spaniels Co, we're all about giving you options. All our bandanas   are reversible so this means you get two for the price of one, but guess what.   Unlike competing bandana businesses, you get to pick both of the fabrics that   make up your Two Spaniels Co Bandana. This means that every bandana is       one of a kind (unless you have the same taste as others) and made to order   specially for you by us.

 How it works is easy, you simply select the first option you want and pick the   second option as the reversible side. You then wait our processing time and   within a few days/weeks you have your very own custom Two Spaniels Co  Bandana. We keep our best sellers stocked up so you can mix and match desired fabrics with our new drops. If theres ever something you're on the lookout for feel free to send us a DM. We love to hear your input.








Our Story - Sonia, Winston & Maeby


It was 2020, Covid was just starting and I decided to make my life better. I got a puppy! If you've been around you'll have seen him for sure, his name is Winston and he is just the sweetest pup. Due to my obsession with him, I started online shopping for dog accessories of all kinds for him. It was in the fall season that I really wanted him to wear bandanas but I kept having the same issues.

The bandanas were either too expensive and only had one fabric, which I couldn't justify OR they were reversible and reasonably priced. See the issue here was that I would LOOOOVE one side, but hate the other. Which brought me back to the first issue I had, too expensive for just one option. And then the idea behind Two Spaniels Co came to me. I then searched for cute fabrics, ordered my sewing machine and taught myself to sew. 

I've always dreamed of working with animals ever since I was a little girl and Two Spaniels Co & you guys make it a reality. Thank you for being here and supporting me and my dreams. I hope you love our collections and follow us as we continue to evolve this small biz.